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The eyes are said to be the windows to the soul. Why obscure the view with excess skin, puffy eyes and sagging, heavy eyelids? Time, weather and gravity take their toll on the eyes and brow causing forehead wrinkles, bags under the eyes, and visual impairment often leading to a tired and sad appearance.

Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty improves the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. It gives a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of your eyes, making you look more rested and alert.

Periorbital rejuvenation may involve more than just upper or lower eyelid surgery. Different modalities may be used, including surgery, neuromodulators or fillers, or a combination thereof, resulting in alteration of the position and shape of the eyes and brow refreshing your look. Scars are generally very well hidden and are barely perceptible once healed.

A thorough eye exam is encouraged and any relevant history pertaining to eye problems should be discussed with your plastic surgeon prior to undergoing surgery.

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Contact our office to schedule a private consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Sanjay K. Sharma, M.D., F.A.C.S.