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Are you seeking a way to enhance your facial appearance? Perhaps you’ve noticed a lack of definition in certain areas or want to have more balanced and youthful contours. Genetics, aging or trauma can lead to undefined facial contours, creating a lack of harmony between your features.

Facial implants provide targeted and lasting solutions to redefine and rejuvenate your appearance. At Plastic Surgery Austin, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Sanjay K. Sharma, MD, FACS, offers cheek and chin implants to help you achieve more distinct facial features that give you the look you want.

What Are Facial Implants?

Facial implants are prosthetic medical devices crafted to reshape or augment specific areas of the face, adding volume and definition to your facial contours.

The implants are available in a variety of shapes and sizes to cater to individual needs and preferences. This means your implants can be designed to fit your unique facial structure and aesthetic goals.

Types of Facial Implants Offered at Plastic Surgery Austin

At Plastic Surgery Austin, we specialize in providing customized solutions for enhancing facial aesthetics. Our skilled team offers two main types of facial implants: cheek and chin implants. With years of experience and expertise, we ensure that each implant is tailored to complement your individual facial structure.

Cheek Implants

Cheek implants give fullness to the cheeks and attractive definition, allowing for a more youthful appearance. They can create the appearance of high, angular cheekbones that are sought by so many, but they will be personalized based on your goals.

Over time, the implant integrates with the surrounding tissue, becoming a natural part of the facial structure.

Chin Implants

Chin surgery, also called mentoplasty, involves placing chin implants to create a more prominent chin. This procedure enhances the definition and proportion of the chin in relation to the rest of the face. A chin implant can improve your facial profile and balance your facial features, including creating the appearance of a more defined jawline.

Similar to cheek implants, chin implants integrate with the surrounding tissue over time, allowing for a natural appearance and feel.

Materials Used for Facial Implants

Facial implants are commonly made from biocompatible materials like silicone or porous polyethylene. These materials are designed to safely integrate with your body’s tissues and provide a natural look and feel.

  • Silicone facial implants: These are soft and smooth, making them comfortable within the body. Silicone is widely used in medical devices because of its stability and compatibility with human tissue.
  • Porous polyethylene facial implants: This material offers a more structured shape and allows for tissue ingrowth, helping to secure the implant in place over time.

What Do Facial Implants Treat?

Concerns Treated With Cheek Implants

Cheek implants can address various concerns related to the midface region. They are designed to provide solutions to:

  • Flat or Hollow Cheeks: Adding volume to cheeks that may appear sunken or lacking definition.
  • Facial Asymmetry: Correcting uneven cheekbones to create a more balanced appearance.
  • Age-Related Volume Loss: Restoring youthful fullness that may have diminished with age.
  • Enhancement of Facial Contours: Accentuating the cheekbones for a more pronounced and sculpted appearance.
  • Reconstruction After Trauma or Surgery: Assisting in rebuilding the cheek area after an injury or a previous surgical procedure.

Concerns Treated With Chin Implants

Chin implants are utilized to address specific concerns related to the lower face and jawline, such as:

  • A Weak or Recessed Chin: Enhancing a chin that may appear underdeveloped or set back in relation to other facial features.
  • Facial Asymmetry: Correcting imbalance in the jawline or chin to create a harmonious facial appearance.
  • Unproportional Facial Structure: Creating a balanced profile by aligning the chin with the nose and forehead.
  • Jawline Definition: Adding structure to the jawline for a more defined and contoured appearance.
  • Correction After Trauma or Surgery: Helping in reconstructive efforts following an injury or a previous surgical intervention in the chin area.

Who Are Good Candidates for Facial Implants?

Wondering if facial implants are right for you? Ideal candidates typically:

  • Desire to enhance the size or shape of their cheeks or chin
  • Have realistic expectations regarding the outcome
  • Are in good overall health, without conditions that could impede healing
  • Are non-smokers or willing to quit for an extended time before and after the procedure

Preparing for Facial Implant Surgery

Getting ready for a facial implant procedure typically involves the following steps:

  • Initial Consultation: Discuss your goals, expectations and medical history.
  • Pre-operative Instructions: Avoid certain medications and supplements, maintain a healthy diet and adequate hydration, and follow other specific instructions given by your plastic surgeon.
  • Day of Procedure: Arrive with a clean face and wear comfortable clothing.

How Are Facial Implants Placed?

The placement of both cheek and chin implants requires significant expertise, as it involves careful consideration of the underlying facial bones, muscles and tissues to achieve a natural look. Choosing a professional and experienced surgical team, like the one at Plastic Surgery Austin, ensures that the implant is placed with the utmost care and attention to your unique facial anatomy.

Cheek Implant Placement

Cheek implants are generally placed directly on the cheekbones. A small incision is made either inside the mouth or through the lower eyelid, allowing your plastic surgeon to create a pocket-like space over the cheekbone. The implant is then inserted into this space and positioned carefully to augment the contour of the cheeks. It lies beneath the soft tissue and muscles of the face, giving a more naturally youthful and full appearance to the cheeks.

Chin Implant Placement

Chin implants, on the other hand, are typically positioned around the jawbone. Your plastic surgeon may make an incision either inside the mouth or beneath the chin to access the area. A pocket is then created in front of the jawbone and under the muscles, where the chin implant is inserted to enhance the projection and shape of the chin.

What to Expect During Your Facial Implant Procedure

The facial implant procedure at Plastic Surgery Austin is carried out with utmost care, focusing on your comfort, safety and desired outcomes. Here’s a more detailed walkthrough of what you can expect right before, during and after your facial implant surgery.

Immediately Before Surgery:

  • Final Review and Pre-operative Preparations: The surgical team, including Dr. Sharma, will have a final discussion with you to review the planned procedure, your specific needs and expectations. This will include confirming the type and size of implants, the incision locations and answering any last-minute questions you may have.
  • Anesthesia: To ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, a skilled anesthesiologist will administer the appropriate type of anesthesia. This could be local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the surgery and your preferences. Dr. Sharma performs the procedure under local anesthesia and sedation when possible to reduce recovery time after surgery.

During Surgery:

  • Incision Placement: Your plastic surgeon will carefully make small incisions in the pre-determined, strategic locations. For cheek implants, incisions are often made inside the mouth or lower eyelid. For chin implants, the incision might be made inside the mouth or under the chin. These placements help minimize visible scarring.
  • Insertion of Implants: The implants are then precisely placed through the incisions. They are positioned beneath the facial skin and tissues, often above or directly on the facial bones.
  • Assessment and Adjustments: Before closing the incisions, Dr. Sharma will carefully assess the positioning of the implants, making any necessary adjustments to ensure symmetry and alignment with your facial structure and aesthetic goals.
  • Closure: Once satisfied with the implant placement, Dr. Sharma will close the incisions using sutures, typically utilizing dissolvable ones that won’t require removal later.

Immediately After Surgery:

  • Recovery Room: After the surgery, you will be moved to a recovery room where you’ll be closely monitored as the anesthesia wears off. You will receive instructions on postoperative care and have the opportunity to ask any questions about the recovery process.
  • Discharge and Follow-Up Care: You will most likely be discharged to go home on the same day of your surgery. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to monitor your healing progress and to address any concerns you may have.

Throughout the procedure and recovery, the team at Plastic Surgery Austin will provide personalized attention, making sure that you’re well-informed, comfortable and confident in the care you’re receiving.

The decision to undergo facial implant surgery is a significant one, and understanding what to expect can help ease any apprehensions. By choosing Plastic Surgery Austin, you are opting for a professional team that prioritizes your individual needs, safety and satisfaction. Scheduling a consultation can provide you with further insights tailored to your unique situation.

What to Expect During Facial Implants Recovery

Recovery from facial implants is a gradual process. Here’s what you can anticipate:

  • Immediately: Swelling and discomfort, which can be managed with oral pain medication for a couple of days.
  • Downtime: Expect to rest and limit physical activity for up to a week.
  • Facial Care: Use gentle skincare and daily sun protection.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Attend regular check-ins at Plastic Surgery Austin to monitor your healing.

When Can I Expect to See Results After Facial Implant Surgery?

You’ll see an immediate change in the size and shape of your cheeks or chin after surgery, but your final results will be camouflaged by bruising and swelling. In the first couple of weeks, you’ll begin to see your new facial contours as most of the swelling subsides. The improvements will become more prominent and refined as your face heals.

Permanent Facial Contouring

What sets facial implants apart is their ability to offer permanent enhancements. While the implants themselves provide a lasting change to the contours of your face, natural aging will continue and may subtly influence the appearance of your cheeks or chin over time.

Ready to Enhance Your Facial Contours With Facial Implants in Austin, TX?

Feeling inspired to transform your appearance with facial implants? At Plastic Surgery Austin, we’re dedicated to creating personalized experiences. You are unique, and your treatment should be too. Don’t miss this opportunity to redefine your look with our expert care.

Schedule your consultation today and let’s start this exciting journey together! Call 512-838-3658 or connect with us online now.


Contact our office to schedule a private consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Sanjay K. Sharma, M.D., F.A.C.S.