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Thanks to today’s shifting trends in beauty expectations and media stars like Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian, buttock enhancement has soared in popularity over recent years. These procedures not only enhance, lift and shape the butt, but they also balance out body proportions. This can give you a boost in self-esteem and allow you to feel great in form-fitting fashions.

If you are a resident of Austin, TX, and are looking for a reliable surgeon to perform your buttock enhancement procedure, Plastic Surgery Austin is here to help. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Sharma, has extensive experience treating a wide range of patients seeking buttock enhancement.

What Is Buttock Enhancement?

Buttock enhancement, also called buttock augmentation or gluteal augmentation, refers to procedures designed to create larger, fuller and shapelier buttocks. Butt augmentation can make your buttock area appear rounder and more projected. It can also improve the balance of your whole figure, especially when performed in conjunction with liposuction.

There are different types of buttock enhancement procedures to choose from.

Types of Butt Enhancement

Butt augmentation or enhancement procedures may be performed using injections of the patient’s body fat (fat transfer) or synthetic butt implants.

Fat Transfer — Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

Currently, the most popular and preferred buttock enhancement technique is the Brazilian butt lift. A BBL uses a combination of liposuction and fat transfer to create natural-looking results. This process involves removing unwanted fat cells from one area of the body and strategically injecting them into the butt.

Butt Implants

This surgery involves inserting silicone implants above, into or below the gluteal muscles of the buttock area. They’re a good option for those with a lean frame who don’t have enough body fat to create good results with a BBL.

Who Is a Candidate for Butt Augmentation?

Deciding to have butt enhancement is a personal decision. However, not every patient is a candidate, and not everyone will benefit from this procedure. Your plastic surgeon will help determine whether you are an ideal candidate. Good candidates should be in relatively good health, not smoke and have realistic expectations.

You may be a candidate for buttock enhancement if you:

  • Wish to add more curves to your backside
  • Have a small butt that looks out of balance to the rest of your body
  • Have a butt that is drooping due to aging or gravity
  • Have sagging skin around your buttocks due to weight loss
  • Are unhappy with the way pants, dresses or swimsuits fit your figure

Preparing for Buttock Enhancement

Butt enhancement surgery requires quite a bit of preparation and good aftercare for the best results. Patients need to become familiar with what is involved in this type of surgery before deciding whether this treatment is for them.

Before buttock augmentation, you will meet with Dr. Sharma for a consultation to discuss your concerns and goals and to see if you are a good candidate for surgery. In preparation for surgery, you will be asked to:

  • Take blood tests (to check your health status)
  • Quit smoking to promote good post-op healing
  • Take certain medications or ask your doctor to adjust your current medications
  • Avoid blood thinners like aspirin, NSAIDs, vitamin E and others

You also want to prepare for your recovery. You will need to have someone drive you back home on the day of your surgery and arrange help at home until you recover. This also means taking some time off work. Plan to take at least two to three weeks before going back to work and other obligations.

How Is Buttock Enhancement Performed?

Buttock augmentation using implants or autologous fat transfer can be performed on an outpatient basis at Austin Plastic Surgery by our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Sanjay Sharma. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

The BBL Process

With autologous fat transfer, fat is removed using liposuction on the abdomen, flanks or another area with excess fat. This procedure involves a narrow cannula inserted directly into the fat tissue through small incisions. The cannula uses gentle suction to remove the fat, which is then purified and injected into various areas of the butt tissue through small incisions.

The Butt Implant Process

When buttock implants are used, a small incision is placed inside the natural buttock crease, allowing Dr. Sharma to place the implant in the proper location. He will then close the incisions with layered sutures in the buttocks and additional sutures to close the skin. Drains may be placed to prevent fluid build-up in the buttocks during the healing process.

Butt Augmentation Recovery & Results


Immediately after surgery, you will be wrapped in compression garments to reduce swelling and minimize bleeding. You will be taken to a recovery room, where we will monitor your vitals as you wake from anesthesia. Once the anesthesia wears off, you’ll feel sore and swollen in your buttock area.

Both fat transfer and implants require that no pressure be put on the buttock area for a few weeks. Pain is effectively managed with oral medication for the first few days, and patients are advised to lie on their side or stomach during the recovery period. Patients receiving fat transfer can usually return to work and regular activities within 10 to 14 days, while patients receiving implants can typically return to work within two to three weeks.


The results of buttock enhancement can be difficult to see at first due to the healing that must take place. Within weeks, you can begin to see your new butt contours, with results continuing to improve within the first few months. Buttock augmentation is considered a relatively permanent means of creating new body contours as long as a healthy weight is maintained after surgery.

Schedule Your Butt Augmentation Consultation at Plastic Surgery Austin

Buttock augmentation can help achieve your body contouring goals of a larger, fuller backside. To learn more about this procedure or other options in body contouring, contact Plastic Surgery Austin at 512-838-3658 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Sharma.


How safe is buttock enhancement?

When performed by a skilled and qualified surgeon, buttock enhancement is relatively safe. But like all invasive surgery, the procedure carries some level of risk. Risks include bleeding, bruising, fluid build-up, infection, tissue necrosis, prominent scarring, chronic pain and changes in sensation.

How long does it take to recover from buttock enhancement?

Initial recovery takes two to three weeks, during which swelling subsides and the incisions heal. However, it can take several months and up to a year to heal completely after this type of surgery.

How soon will I see my results from buttock enhancement surgery?

Patients can notice a change in the appearance of their derriere immediately after surgery. It takes about three weeks for most swelling to resolve and up to a year to see the final results of surgery.

When can I sit after buttock enhancement surgery?

It’s advised to avoid sitting for at least two weeks and to sleep on your stomach to avoid damaging the transferred fat and to improve wound healing.

Does buttock enhancement leave visible scarring?

There is little to no visible scarring after a BBL. Your surgeon will create minor incisions, no greater than 2 to 3 mm, for cannula insertion for this type of buttock augmentation. The incisions are covered with dressings and don’t require sutures. For buttock implants, the scars are hidden within the natural crease of the buttocks.

Who is a good candidate for buttock enhancement?

The ideal candidates are 18 years and older, are in relatively good health and have realistic expectations about the surgery, recovery and results. Patients with low body weight may not be suitable candidates for a BBL but can opt for buttock implants instead. Patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, bleeding disorders, lung or heart disease and other chronic conditions should not undergo these procedures.


Contact our office to schedule a private consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Sanjay K. Sharma, M.D., F.A.C.S.